Wendy Mortimer

Wendy's story

Wendy Mortimer was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal, multifocal breast cancer in 2014.
Read her story below....

My name is Wendy Mortimer. In 2014, at the age of 44, I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive ductal, multifocal breast cancer which was hormone positive. To say the diagnosis turned my world upside down would be an understatement!! Shortly after, my younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer too...our poor parents! I had a left mastectomy followed by 6 rounds of chemo then radiotherapy.

To say the diagnosis turned my world upside down would be an understatement!!

It was my partner, Aline, pictured opposite with our three children, who found out all the info on mistletoe therapy for me through the Maggies and CLAN (Cancer Link Aberdeen and North) centres. I went along to have a chat with Dr Geider and Barbara, a mistletoe nurse. My oncologist was not supportive of mistletoe therapy but luckily my GP referred me.

After all my treatment I had very low energy levels and I felt really quite depressed (which I felt guilty about as I had just survived cancer for goodness sake!!). I felt that I would never be able to have a normal life again as I am an upholsterer which is a pretty physical job and I was so weak. My treatments were followed by 6 months of herceptin (hormone therapy) which caused damage to my heart which made me feel even worse!! I felt like I was 90 years old.

I began the mistletoe injections twice a week. I was a bit nervous about injecting myself but Barbara was very supportive and at the end of the phone whenever I needed advice. I soon got used to doing it. Gradually my energy and mood began to lift and now I feel almost as good as new...just get tired easier than before cancer.

It may sound strange but cancer put me in touch with some amazing people! I have had reflexology, shiatsu and dietary advice and these have impacted on our whole family.

I was made redundant 6 months after I returned to work. I now work from home, self employed, which gives me freedom and flexibility. I don't have to get up early if I feel tired and I can do things with our 3 children.

My advice to anyone facing the terror of a cancer diagnosis....be kind to yourself, listen to your body, have complementary therapies and absolutely give mistletoe therapy a go. I am certain this has helped my energy, mood and immune system.

I believe cancer is a warning...your life MUST change if you are fortunate enough to get through it.
The picture is of my partner Aline and our 3 beautiful children.
I am truly blessed!

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